On 6 April 2019 the first meeting of the Czech-Slovak Cup series took place in Para Swimming. Maxim Bederov was there as a sponsor and volunteer. It was a special honour for him to help the swimmers out of the water and to transport them in their wheelchairs to the next competition. On the following day the award ceremony took place and Maxim Bederov presented his donation of 10.000 Euro to the co-organisers of CONTACT BB – Para Swim Academy.
Maxim Bederov has also been very important in helping and experiencing the event.
It was not the donation of 10,000 euros that was decisive for him, but the experience and direct help. Of course, giving money is always a good thing, but giving one’s heart, being there and showing that one is a person for the cause was decisive for Maxim.
Bederov also emphasized time and again that he hadn’t given anything, but had come back much more. When you attend such an event and see how people with severe physical limitations give their best and even set new records, you notice how strong these people are.
It is very important to have more confidence in people with disabilities
In everyday life, people with disabilities are often mothered. You don’t trust them much or try to relieve them of work all the time. Once you are at such an event, you can see that people with disabilities can do much more than you would expect them to. Moreover, if you mother them too much, you take away their chance to grow personally. It is important to find the right level of help so that these people can realize their inner potential.
The experience of how strong these people are impressed Maxim Bederov very much and showed him again that the human spirit can do everything.
At the award ceremony there was a big party, where everyone was celebrating. Maxim Bederov said in this context: “It is something special when you see that people with certain physical limitations can celebrate just as well as people who don’t have them. It often seems to me as if handicapped people are leading a much happier life.”
Disabled people are usually more cheerful and laugh more
When you look at most people or ask them if they are happy, they often come up with answers as to how it already ts or could run better. Disabled people, on the other hand, seem to live much more in the here and now.
They are usually more cheerful and laugh more, although we often feel compassion for their situation. Maxim Bederov was very happy on these days and was able to expand his repertoire of valuable experiences. And not only that, it was a pleasure for him to be financially and physically useful.