Big corporations like Google, Amazon, Facebook and Apple are leading the way. In their business, they rely on AI, artificial intelligence. Whether in the algorithms that Facebook uses to improve the user experience on its platform or Google’s structuring of search results, the functions that artificial intelligence has have long since arrived in people’s everyday lives. Artificial intelligence refers to the human-like thinking and acting of a computer/robot or a machine. The system learns from its mistakes and can react differently to the same task or problem without reprogramming.
Google and co. largest listed companies
But not only in terms of technology Google and co. can prove their ability. They are also among the largest listed companies in the world by market capitalization in euros. With over 700 billion euros, Apple, Microsoft, Amazon, Alphabet Inc. (formerly Google) are at the top of the market.
If you only look at the market capitalization in euros, you can judge the companies mentioned as very good investment investments. Also in their technological and business development they are a good investment for investors.
Investors should research well, before they invest in Google, Amazon and co.
However, today’s investor should not rely solely on these attributes when investing. Likewise, dividends and the distribution of profits in general must be well researched before investing a large sum in these companies. What applies to Google, Amazon and co. is equally important for all investments. First inform and then act.
The best strategy is to have an expert in finance and investment. This expert should help you to pass on financial education. If these factors are here, an investment in companies with a focus or a large Artificial Intelligence business area can be a very good investment.